Are you seeking a place to share your spiritual journey?
Do you live outside of the box, on a spiritual path beyond religion?
Are you called to direct experience of Spirit, with a shamanic worldview?
I would love to hear your story. The Spiritual Counseling I offer is a place to bring all of who you are, to explore and deepen your connection to Self and Spirit and to expand into the life you want to live.
Artists, mystics, visionaries and rebels, LGBTQ and 12-Step folx, women and POC are particularly welcome.
I offer sliding fees to be accessible to all income levels.

My Offerings
Spiritual Counseling
I am here to support and witness you on your path, exploring your spiritual life as it manifests in your daily life.
Shamanic Mentoring
For those who wish to learn or deepen the practice of Core Shamanism.
Connection Circles
For more information: [email protected]

Shamanic Practice Circle
Twice-monthly gatherings for drumming, journeying and sharing experiences, based on the approach of Core Shamanism. (https://www.shamanism.org). Held on first and third Fridays 6 – 7:30 PM in Portland, Maine.

Death Cafe (online)
Let’s gather for open conversation about death. Bring whatever you may think, feel, believe, or imagine about dying and death, for the purpose of living a full life. On Zoom the fourth Sunday of each month at 4:00 Eastern Time .
For more information contact: [email protected]

Joyful, Awake and Aging!
Together we contemplate and share our experience of growing older. We bring awareness and intention into aging, to savor the harvest of a rich full life.
Meets twice a month in Portland, Maine starting in Winter 2024.
About Katrina
I am a white, cis-gendered able-bodied woman from a mixed-race, middle-class family, raised by hippie artist Baha’i parents on the East Coast of the US. I am mother to two wild young adults, a cancer survivor and an occasional artist. I have always been with/in the queer community although for a time I lived and loved as a heterosexual housewife. I am a mystic, a heretic, an idealist, a socialist, a protector, an objector. I am a builder and a nurturer, a witness and a mourner. I believe in Love and the power of people gathered together for good.

Connect with Katrina
My goal is to help you be present and open with all that is, embracing life on life’s terms; To provide experiences, through individual work and in groups, to help strengthen your connection to Self and to Spirit, and to sustain or develop practices to deepen those connections. Let’s talk!